Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Nightmare #2

Cam didn't sleep great last night, so I was awake then asleep then awake then asleep, and we all know that tends to make for some pretty awesome dreams.  Here was last nights.

"Clinic" was in my parents house.  Other people in other rooms had dental chairs, but I was just using my parents bed.  I asked the TA to administer local anesthetic to my patient, but Camden was actually in my "chair", so she numbed the left side of Camden's mouth.  Then, a dentist that my Dad works with stopped breathing so me and a friend administered CPR and saved his life and something about a waterfall.  Then my patient . . . didn't come?  I can't remember, but I know I was frustrated.

I'll add more as I remember it, you know how dreams are.  Hard to put down on paper, because they are so complex.

P.S. I called my patient at 8:10am this morning to see if she was on her way for her 8:00am appt.  My call woke her up, at her house, in Tooele.  She jumped out of bed and is on her way.  Keep your fingers crossed.

UPDATE: Maybe this was more of a vision than a dream, because my patient basically didn't show up.  She was 2.25 hours late.  I got special permission to go late, and finished one quad.  Trying to look on the bright side.

I did LOVE discussing being on the brink of crying with a few DH friends today.  Thank you for letting me let it out without actually letting it out.  love you.


  1. Marianne, I have crazy dreams all of the time! Bryce always has to wake me up and in my middle of the night stupor I try to replay what was just going on. I am sure that those nights would make a great YouTube video. Last night I had a dream that Bryce, Todd (Leigh's husband), Leigh and I came to the site of a train crash and we totally saved everybody. I woke up feeling on top of the world!

  2. p.s. I have been failing in my goals to include goals in my blog. I am going to jump back on the bandwagon today! (Or Monday)
