Monday, November 28, 2011

"Tubule Occlusion"

What emotional response does this picture evoke in you?

I think we all agree that today's presentation was leaps and bounds better than last years.  She has an amazing lip-movement capacity and pronunciation.  Extra credit: What muscle of facial expression would make that possible?

It was better on the following fronts.  Length.  Topic. # and detail of clinical studies.  # of times we heard the word "patent". # of head shake/wiggles.

ONE MORE DAY OF SKULL THIS WEEK!  wow. mom. that's cool.


  1. I'm going to take a stab at it and say the muscle that causes her to say "papology" is the levator labii superioris along with the orbicularis oris! Gotta love Colgate!!!

  2. Oh my gosh where did you get this picture?! You are amazing!!!!

  3. I love this post! I agree it was actually a good presentation today. I was quite pleasantly surprised!

  4. You are hillarious! Man I love your blog. Today was pretty informative, short and sweet, and it was kind of a little test review on hypersensitivity.

  5. REALLY? You are one creative guru but quite honestly I am surprised her picture made it on your blog :) Her orbicularis oris muscle provides great annunciation or vice versa...kinda like the chicken or the egg!

  6. You freaking kill me! I love it! I totally agree with you on her speech this semester, much better!

  7. Agreed. Her presentation was not even painful this time! Gotta love it. It was so funny in class, everytime Sue made a face or something everyone looked over at you to see your reaction. I myself did this about 5 times :)

  8. That is so AWESOME!! Every time she said something odd Karlie would look over and I would have to expend a lot of effort not laughing.

  9. This is one awesome post! I can't believe you found her picture and posted it! I agree about the presentation, it was great this year. Just had to keep myself from laughing too hard everytime she pulled a face while talking, and eventually just had to stop looking at you all together! You crack me up girl!

  10. I love everyones comments I am laughing inside. I do have to say the presentation was tons better I actually listened and got something out of it and I actually remembered enough to blog about so thats amazing.

  11. Oh how I am going to miss you when we graduate. Your commentary keeps us all going! Have a great break!!
