Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I'm On My Way

My track record isn't great with patients who tell me they are on their way.  Remember Gina Flores?  Yeah, she never showed up.  Let's pray that Irvin actually does, and is a class II.  Then I would be ok.

UPDATE: My patient showed up.  30 minutes late, but I LOVE him anyway.  I love him for his subgingival calculus.  Is that wrong?  Hello Class II patient.  I love you.  I loved his curiosity and questions.  I loved his desire to have better gums.  I love that he is willing to come back, if it means having healthy gums.

I don't love that it is going to take me 3 appointments to do a Class II.  he he, not sure I'll have enough time for that.  Dang you 1B's (just kidding family, I love you.)


  1. I am so glad your patient showed up! I was worried for you when you told me that your patient said he was "on his way." Ha ha.

  2. YOU FOUND A NUMBER TWOOOO!!!?!?!?!?? HIP HIP HOOORAAAAYYYYY!!! Heck who cares if he takes you ten appointments, he's A NUMBER TWO!!! :) you're right. I do like this post.
