Sunday, March 27, 2011


The hygiene nightmares have begun.

Last night it was me working with Vining as an assistant and Perry checking off everything I did.  Like boards.  I missed MASSIVE chunks of calculus on the facial surfaces of the canines, but I swore I had looked at them.

I know there will be more tonight, because I can hardly stop thinking of all the possibilities scheduling clinic until the end of the semester.   

Please, let these weeks pass quickly.


  1. mar only three weeks! You can do it! Plus you'll have conference as a boost. love you. Course I'm so excited to move to kaysville this summer!

  2. Marianne, I have these same dreams and I wake in a cold sweat! I just need to get through these next couple of weeks! To tell you the truth I am going to be sad this summer because I am so used to being with you gals that I will be so DH deprived! Luckily I am going to work for my dad so that will help, but I am seriously going to miss you gals!

  3. Hygiene nightmares are the worst. Really it is all i dream about these days. One day all this stuff is going to be second nature to us instead of this monster that haunts us day and night...i hope.
