Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Pessimism or Realism

One thing I LOVE about our hygiene class is how positive everybody is.  Seriously, it is so fun to come and be uplifted by you all.  Now, I don't want to detract from that so please . . . just let me vent.

Clinic this morning was annoying.  So much time was WASTED and therefore I could not pass off 2 PE's, blog, or feel good about my clinic time.  ARGH.  I think I am especially sensitive to this type of thing, so I'm sure it bugged me more than others in our clinic, but it just bugs me!  We've got certain people yackidy-yack-yacking about things that are not pertinent to our learning.  I'm sure we may see a patient who has had a mitral valve prolapse, but when/if we do we will consult an Instructor who will help us know what to do NO MATTER HOW LONG WE TALK ABOUT IT TODAY.  And I feel like only through those EXPERIENCES will we begin to really understand the importance and flow of the pre-med thing.

Thankfully I have Jeanie Allen to end my day with.  She is wonderful and I love her.  Radiology was two thumbs way up.


  1. I hope your song brightened your day! :) it did mine!

  2. Yakety Yak....DON'T TALK BACK!

    I just completely agree'd with you. I feel like the yacking is what has made us so behind in our Community Health and Ethics Class. It is good to be informed, but it's not good to waste time talking about something that isn't important RIGHT NOW! You will forget by the time it is useful anyways. My TA said "even though you pass of a PE, that doesn't mean you won't be able to ask your Instructor questions" and in real life...ask the Dentist...he won't mind.
