Thursday, April 5, 2012


Apparently it is obvious that I was out in the glorious sun yesterday.  I asked my morning patient if she had been enjoying the nice weather and she told me she is allergic to the sun.  Oh, ok.

The semester is winding down, OBVIOUSLY.  I saw a Class V of Kristie's this morning.  I did have a guy scheduled for the afternoon, I texted and called him yesterday to confirm.  When I called it rang like once then went to his answering machine.  Read - he "rejected" my call.  SO, I called him today on MeChel's phone (HA) he answered.  I said, "Hey are you going to come to the dental hygiene clinic today at 12:30?"  "Oh crap, I forgot!  Uh . . . I don't know, I don't think so."  I said, "Ok thanks" and hung up.  Not worth my breath.  I thought he may be a Class III that I would need earlier in the semester, and when I was trying to schedule him in like February he said he could come in on April 5th.  I said, that is a pretty long ways away.  His response?  "I know, I'm pretty busy."  Busy at putting things off!  Whatev.  His loss.

I need to figure out AmeriCorps hours and money.  So help me.  Instead of being bored out of my mind this afternoon I am going to see a Midtown patient who will need XRAYS!!!  Hooray.  She just may need a few more PA's than she thought she did.

7 PA's, that is all I need.  I could wait and hope for it at the VA, but if someone else needs them there and they could get them that would be good.  So . . . I'm going to try to step up and do it NOW!

Lunch - who knows?  The possibilities are endless.

P.S. I forgot my phone and my loupes.  Nice.  Why didn't I follow through with the thought to get my loupes out of the office @ 3:00am when I was having some gastrointestinal distress, because I am stupid.  That is why.


  1. AmeriCorps money.... so complicated it's a joke

  2. I don't think I'll ever get my Americorps money :P but I love your blog I need to get in on your lunch adventures I need some endless possibilities in my life :P

  3. gastrointestinal distress is the worst!!
