Thursday, January 12, 2012


I am FLOORED by certain instructors and what they think is appropriate in clinic.  Watching your favorite sitcom, with the volume up LOUD in the Instructor pod, laughing your head off, as if you're not there getting paid to HELP students LEARN?!?!?  And when I have to wait 5 minutes for you to check my radiographs so you can "quickly" look at your friends facebook pictures from the weekend?  Seriously?  Not a fan.  At all.  So frustrating.  At least TRY to pretend that you care or TRY to appear as if you are doing something pertinent to your job.  Real good example, real good.  I am so tempted to name drop, but I think I'll try to show some maturity that this person obviously cannot.  And I know instructors say they read these blogs, but I don't believe it.  We'll see if anything comes of this outburst (don't plan on it). 

The above behaviors made today's clinic less than desirable. I'm sure it's just me, but I get a little irritated by certain things.  Like sitting around with half the clinic chit chatting when others are finishing charts and cleaning up rooms.  I think we can help each other.  I think when half the clinic gets done WAY early and the other half get done on time/late the first half as already mentally checked out, so they're either not aware or not in the mood to get up and help.  I am SO appreciative to those who remain cognizant of others and continually help.

I treated a 1B in the morning and did 3 sealants and 2 PE's (the worst ones in my opinion) in the afternoon.  HUGE thank you to Michelle for letting me see her sealant patient, that helps me a TON.  Not a super productive day, but I'm losing steam mentally in clinic.  Should I admit that openly on my blog?  Sure.  Let's be honest.  Like I said, I'm sure no instructor will read this anyway.


  1. I am so glad you posted this day! I remember you saying that you didn't think you should because you were just to angry, but I think it is awesome that you can let it out, and the thing is, it is all true and so someone needs to say it. Way to go Marianne! Thanks for doing those sealants by the way, I wasn't really looking forward to it because the kid was such a weasel last time. But with your awesome patient management, he was a dream. You were probably wondering what all my fuss was about. You rocked it. Plain. And. Simple.

  2. Marianne... Girl, I FREAKING LOVE YOU! Enough said! :)
