Thursday, November 3, 2011

Potty Break

Thank you Karlie for the quote of the day and for such a great narrative to listen to for 7 hours today.  :)  Her adult male patient asked to use the restroom and her reply was, "Yeah, now would be a good time for a potty break."  It was pretty great.

MeChie was the CA today so that lent itself to lots of good fun, a perio charting accomplice (asleep or awake works), and a great clean up crew.  I was the slow mo today AGAIN.  And I was feeling so bad for keeping the whole carpool around that I completely forgot to entire my afternoon patient in TalEval. Oops.  MeChel to the rescue again, entered all his info on her iPhone on the way home, but neither of them have been verified so McConaughy probably gave up on me pretty early and went home.

I did place lots of Arestin today, which was great.  Saw a #4 with 8mm of recession on the distal lingual, witnessed a 10mm pocket that McConaughy discovered, finished one Tx Plan Rationale for a 1B, ate lots of Rolo's at lunch, enjoyed hearing Emily laugh with her patient about duck hunting.  I love Emily's true genuine laugh.  It warms my soul.  What else can I tell you?  Didn't see any 1B's today, what a miracle.

You can't go wrong on a day that you wear your trouser socks.  :)


  1. lol Oh Marianne I'm glad your always in such a chill, laid back, mood it makes me realize I need to laugh at more things in the day. I love your posts thanks for sharing.... I need some trouser socks.

  2. hahahaha (insert genuine laugh about ducks here)
