Wednesday, November 9, 2011

A Pink Lowercase Letter Day

Don't get me wrong, it was a good day.  It just wasn't the Red Letter Day I was unrealistically hoping for.  Last week I really sat down and planned today's schedule though and it turned out quite well.

Mr. "You're going places Gal" who has been "so impressed" got all done in the early morning.  2Q Class II.

Mr. Espanol (again no translator, boom baby) was walking out by 11:00am.  2Q Class III.

lunch, BK with MeCh and Karlie.  I thought I left my lunch at home, but MeChel found it in the car on our way to BK.  So that turned into my after clinic meal.

Here is where it all went pink.  My high-high-unrealistic hopes were to see a 12 year old, take bwx and pano, prophylaxis, Diagnodent and PE, and sealant and PE BEFORE my next patient came at 2.  :)  Don't laugh at me, I was shooting for the stars.  Well, it didn't go as planned.  I did do bwx, prophylaxis and Diagnodent PE.  The sealants would have been great except that she had 30+ readings from the Diagnodent on ALL her 2nd molars.  Let's just say she sucks at home care and I don't even feel bad using that verbage for her because she completely sucks at it, her mom is a hygienist, and she KNOWS why she should take better care of her teeth she just doesn't because she is a mental 12 year old who wouldn't hold still during radiographs because she just likes to be irritating and eeew, I could go on!  Yucky.  Anyway, she had all permanent dentition so that took awhile, plaque everywhere and I didn't ultrasonic her BECAUSE I AM AN IDIOT!!  Also, when I told her mom that I couldn't do sealants because of the Diagnodent readings she was not happy.  I talked to Alexander who talked to Dr. Anderton who did not want to talk to the Mom, so Alexander talked with the Mom.  Anyway, it wasn't good and took TOO LONG!

So, I brought my next 11 year old patient back way too late.  30 minutes after I told them to be there.  :(  But, she was a really CUTE and NICE 11 year old.  She doesn't have great home care, and grows plaque/calculus like CRAZY, but your attitude determines your altitude you know?  Anyhoo, couldn't do sealants on her either because of carious lesions.  Sad.  I DID use the ultrasonic on her and that was practically it.  Going through each surface and scaling is what took me 100 years on my first afternoon pt.  It was interesting though on my second patient to see the eruption process in REAL LIFE!

She still had one primary tooth hanging on for dear life, and I really tried to "accidentally" get it out, but I couldn't.  We encouraged her to wiggle it A LOT and hope it comes out in the next week or two.  She had some interesting erythmatic lesions on her gums though and Alexander said it just comes from the tooth erupting.  BTW, love Alexander.  She is just so laid back and nice.

So all in all, a productive day.  If only I could have done a pano and some sealants.  Ah well.

Thank you to Heather M for charting for me, Leigh, Kristie, Whitnee for helping me clean up my unit.  MeChel for doing my Treatment Plan for my fourth patient, Karen for bagging my instruments, and whoever else did all the rest of the crud I didn't do!  Wow, thanks friends.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! What a crazy day! I am not a fan when the mornings go really good and then the afternoons fall apart. I have had that the past few weeks because I have an awesome morning, and then my patients don't show up in the afternoon. I am just grateful that I don't need those classifications to pass this semseter so I didn't feel too stressed about it. Some kids can just grow some crazy calculus! I have a patient coming in January who needs to finish sealants and I would be happy to let you do them if you want? I will talk to you about it in class on friday.
