Monday, August 30, 2010

"During all intra-oral procedures"

I have officially used the subject phrase at least 10 times today.  It applies to gloves, masks, operative protective eyewear, and for that matter scrubs, lab shoes, lab coat and hair barrier option!  (I think I forgot to mention the hair barrier option in my PE . . . thanks Inst. Chaffe for passing me off anyway.  Assuming I pass.)

Oh today today.  I am feeling a little slow today.  As in . . . mentally and physically slow.  As in . . . I am boring.

I enjoyed suctioning in Kristie's beautiful mouth.  It really is refreshing to be working on a real person mouth!  It is unique and interesting.

After having a "system" of set-up and clean-up in your own personal office it is difficult to learn a new method, especially when it is specific as WSU's is.  Also, when we have never really seen patients I can hardly think of it logically, because I don't know what I am going to be touching and not touching.  I am great on the wipe-down (at least I think I am), but the preparatory work is harder because you are just pretending you know what you will be using. 

Today we listened to some seriously awesome music during our instructor session.  One particular song brought joy to my soul.  When I am at home I will embed the video, if this doesn't work. Enjoy!


  1. Right on! I love that video clip! I'm glad to have a friend that has a love for Seinfeld like I do. I embedded a clip in my blog too, I didn't realize we could do that until now. Cool.

  2. Course :) You are funny. I need you to comment on my "engagement" status!
