Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Reader Be Warned

Ah . . . the pressure to live up to my previous blog post. I am drawing a blank in the hilarity department today, unfortunately.

I am looking forward to lunch so that I can "go pump". For you women out there who do not have children and/or did not breastfeed that is probably a strange phrase to you. Well . . . let me explain it. (If this breastfeeding subject creeps you out, please skip to the next paragraph.) Well . . . Your body makes as much milk as your suckling child needs. And . . . my child needs a lot. So . . . while I am away from him for these hours my body makes the milk, but he isn't drinking it so it builds up. This is an interesting feeling, kind of like a tingling, a fullness, if you will. So . . . that is what I am going to feel in an hour or two if I do not pump. So . . . I go out to my car, I get my electric breast pumps, hooked up to bottles and hopefully in about 10 minutes the bottles will be full of breast milk, which I will put in the fridge (please do not drink it) and take home to be used the next time I am away from little Cam. So . . . there you have it. I am a pumping fool. Don't be grossed out, it is part of life if you are a woman.

In other news, today I suctioned like a mad fool. I sprayed air. I sprayed water. I sprayed both together. I filled my Typodont (not sure I want to name mine, but that may come later on) with water up to his maxillary central incisors (rdh lingo), then sucked it out.

Ann Arrington came and talked to us today. She is cool. She invented the BlueBoa. She asked us if we had any questions. I am a naturally nosy person and the two questions I stopped myself from asking were, "How much did you have to pay to invent this?" and "How much are you making now?" Thankfully, I had the smarts not to ask.

Now, on to Radiology based off the most confusing email I have ever gotten in my life.

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