Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Boardy Boards

Things I may want to remember at some point in my life about boards.

I picked my patient up at her house.  I had to leave ESPECIALLY early to do this.  I was proud of myself for waking up.

Small talk was a little awkward on the way there, a little more so on the way home.

We got here ay 7:30am, clinic entrance time is 8:00.  I took pulse and blood pressure.  All good.  She didn't want any muffins or juice.

We walked in, sat down, and I made the biggest mistake of my life.  I checked her teeth with an explorer.  I started DB of #31.  nothing.  That freaked me out.  Shouldn't that be a prime spot for calculus growth?!?  So, I non-sequentially explored around with fear in my heart.  I got her all ready and the Chief Examiner checked.  She went to the examiners.  I watched her walk to the door, and saw my $1200 go down the drain.  Not really.  Actually, I was just getting mentally prepared to go get my backup patient from downstairs.  I figured IF ANYTHING my second submission on my first patient would qualify.  She was one of the first to go back and the LAST to come back to me.  But there was no ITC, instructing me on what to do.  Miracle.  Her first submission went through.  Wow.

I sat her down.  Picked up the triple bend ultrasonic, and was shaking like crazy!  I never shake!  Eventually my nerves settled and I cleaned away.  I felt done in about an hour, and that was after checking, air drying, scaling, rechecking, re-ultrasonicing, air drying, rechecking, and on and on and on.

Walked her out and cleaned up!

Towards the end of her cleaning my head was hurting more than usual.  I wasn't sure why and kept adjusting my loupes.  Eventually I realized that I had kept my safety glasses on and then put my loupes on top of them.  Wow, must have not been thinking.  And I hadn't even noticed it effect my vision at all.

I didn't use any extra instruments or anything.  By the time I cleaned up and went downstairs, Candice had beat me to it.  She was waiting for me.  I grabbed a muffin and we were out of there.

I didn't realize how exhausting the stress/schedule of that week was, but I have been sleeping A LOT since then.  Nap Saturday afternoon.  Nap Sunday afternoon.  Nap Monday afternoon/night.  Wow.

Candice and I before excited to get this show on the road!


  1. lol I enjoy reading your posts, they're pretty funny and you know I love to laugh! I do relate to your "double" glasses, I have tried several times to put my loupes over my reading glasses many times although from the awkwardness I realize Im already wearing glasses. I know the carpool with your patient wasn't half as fun as the ones with us!!

  2. I can only imagine the conversation on the way to and from boards,
    Marianne: So are you ready for today? I am a little nervous.
    (insert board pt's name): Yeah.
    Marianne: Thank you so much for being so willing to come and be my mockboard patient and my board patient. I am so grateful.
    (inset board pt's name): You're welcome.
    ........(nothing, probably radio on or something)

    Marianne: Thanks again for coming to my big huge test that cost me a lot of money. You are a lifesaver.
    (Insert board pt's name): You're welcome, Thanks for the muffin.

  3. I can't believe you went so long with your safety glasses on! ha ha I bet Candace thought that you thought she had a disease and that you needed extra protection with not only 1 pair of glasses shielding your eyes, but 2!! ha ha
