Thursday, February 9, 2012

Bull Ride

Friends.  It was a good day.  LA Mockboard went good and great.  I love getting Chris' blood pressure because I can hear it like a balloon popping.  So easy.  Same with his pulse.  Love this healthy man.

Studied a bit during morning down time.

Chinese for lunch.  Thank you Institute.

Afternoon.  Class IV.  I get apprehensive right before a big appointment like todays.  I think . . . this is going to be hard, maybe I shouldn't do this, and I ALMOST chicken out and then I think . . . here goes nothing.  Thankfully I pressed on, finished his last 3 quads, did 2 PE's, and feel good about him.  Eaglesoft patient donsies?  I think so.

One more epiphany.  On this patient with loads of tenacious calculus, I can see the distal of his most distal molars.  So I can SEE the brown stained calculus that I still need to get.  If I could not see it, I would NEVER know to come back and try again.  I would NEVER get the scaler in the right place.  Even when I can see it, it is dang hard to scrape it off.  I am sure that bits like that get left all over the place because I can't see.  That is one thing that would make perio surgery so interesting and so depressing.  You could see where you have missed.  The game of a class IV like today is to endure to the end.  It is hard to keep going over spots that you feel, it would be EASY to just say you're done even when you know you haven't checked every spot.  But I persevered today, tb polished, flossed and re-explored.  It was good.  3 spots missed, can't complain to much.

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