Tuesday, September 6, 2011


"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times." x2 (apparently I repeat myself)

8:00am - 1B, 4 BWX, complete.
9:30am - 1B complete. (My little blista.)
Record Awesomeness Morning!  (According to Kristie and me.)

lunch (no dessert = the worst of times)

12:35pm - Artificial Mitral Valve, extensive HH, forgot to take Pre-Med, Dr.'s office slow on returning Physician's Consult, unable to probe, unable to classify, 3 BWX, most extensive gagging I have witnessed thus far in my life at WSU during radiographs, nicest kid who is getting back on track with his oral health.  Listen to this story.

28 year old had an abscessed tooth.  The infection entered his blood stream and after 6 months caused blood clots in his left leg and subsequently 2 strokes.  It was extremely painful, but he didn't feel like he could go to the doctor.  On Thanksgiving day, after his left leg had been numb for over 24 hours, a neighbor took him to the Hospital, they said had he not come in then he may not have made it for another day because the blockage was nearing full closure.  He ended up being in the hospital for the next 2 months with Mitral Valve Replacement in December.  He is now being proactive in taking care of his mouth, had his 4 wisdom teeth removed 2 weeks ago.  Thankfully now at 30 he notices few lasting effects from his strokes, but it could have been so much worse.  What a great guy.


  1. Wow, what a story. This is a great testiment to why it is important to stay on top of dental care. Good for him for making a change.
    Oh, and you totally rock! I cannot beleive you saw two 1B patient's this morning. I saw one and it took my whole morning. I think I was overdoing it a bit because I rechecked like 3 times.

  2. Yeah woman you were the bomb today you and Sarah really had it rough. I always loved being your patient because your very graceful and confident. I'm glad things kind of turned around though day for ya :)

  3. Geez you are amazing!! and have I mentioned that i love reading your blog?? Love it!

  4. um hello!! We ate lunch with you! Best lunch ever!
