Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Yesterday afternoon, after my patient had been walked out for 30 minutes MeChel asked me who I saw in the afternoon.  I thought for like 2 minutes and could not remember.  Seriously, could not remember to save my life.  It is hard enough to keep track of my OWN patients, but I am so interested in what everybody else is seeing and doing that I try to remember it all.  Obviously it doesn't work out so well.

Morning - H-dog!  What a great guy.  Came in on less than 24 hours notice, right on time.  Tolerated supplemental digital films to get his third molars.  Got 6 remaining orthodontic brackets removed by the oh-so-special Dr. Carol Naylor, pray he will come back to be my mockboard and pray that he ends up having enough calculus clicks.  Course, we forgot to check that.  :)  But I cleaned his UR, Class III quad with no numbing.  He didn't even flinch.  wow.  I am PSYCHED to get his mouth in tip top shape, on his way to healthy gums.  :)

lunch - spaghetti with tomato sauce w/eggplant

Afternoon - 14 year old gal, just got her braces off.  Extremely inquisitive, like extremely.  Does not/will not floss.  Kind of bugged me, but I think being talked to about it makes her resist it more.  If I see her again I think I'll mention it once and then leave it alone.  Darn those teenagers.  She helped me finish up my 1B requirements and get well on my way with BWX requiements, so that was fine, but she kind of wore me out.  Would NOT tolerate the F Varnish so we did the Orange Vanilla gel (the only non-acidulated kind the clinic has).  She was just kind of high maintenance as far as patients go.

FYI.  I love this program.  I love the people in it, I love just being unleashed to do my thing in second year and make new discoveries.  The 6 errors I had on my Class III quad wasn't so great but darn-it-all I will figure out how to use those gracey's effectively if it kills me.

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