Monday, October 11, 2010

Purple People Eater

"It was a one-eyed, one-horned, flyin' purple people eater, sure looks strange to me."

I'm sure that is what Kristie was thinking when I opened after disclosing my plaque, for two reasons.

1) I had a lot of plaque on my teeth.
2) I was putting all my extra saliva, disclosing agent, plaque etc up on the facial surface of my maxillary anteriors (if you can imagine) and blowing bubbles with it.  Yes, I am immature at times.  I thought it was funny though.

Determining PFI is one of the hardest things I have learned, because it is so subjective.  Costley told me just to be consistent, as it is mainly something to compare effectiveness of brushing between visits.

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