Saturday, October 16, 2010

Early Riser - Experiment

Wednesday Morning

6:30am - Snooze my first alarm.

6:45am - Snooze my second alarm.

6:58am - Start thinking seriously about waking up.

7:04am - Realize I should be leaving in one minute.

7:05am - Curse the Hygiene Program for making me get up so freaking early.  Consider dropping out.

7:06am - Get up anyway and quickly get ready.

7:10am - Grab some breakfast and get in the car.

7:40am - Get to the Hygiene Clinic.

7:45am - See all my friends that I love.

7:50am - Bless the Hygiene Program, realize how thankful I am to be in it and for all the fun it is.

On Wednesday I took the challenge from Prof Costley to NOT brush my teeth until next Monday when we would be disclosing in clinic again.  It is now Saturday morning, and let me tell you that it has not been easy.  However, I have full support from my hubby (in the name of science!) and doggoneit if Morgan Spurlock can eat McD's for 30 days, I can not brush or floss for 5.  I did actually floss my lingual bar last night, so I am not perfect, I succumbed to temptation, but overall I am doing pretty well.  Bring on the ACQUIRED PELLICLE!

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