Monday, April 11, 2011

Bow Chica Wow Wow

Feeling good.  Got everything done I had planned to do, barely, and with A LOT of help from my rockin' peeps.  Thank you thank you thank you.

Saw the cutest little friend Janey, who LOVED riding in the chair.

Then I saw my wonderful sista.  And completed the following: 10PAs, 4 1B Quads, Air Powder Polish PE, Diagnodent PE (p.s. the Diagnodent SUCKS and is not worth the $3000 JW paid for it) and my final sealant.  THANK YOU KELS!

By the end of clinic Vining was saying, "You're doing what?  A sealant?" Then he would look at the clock. :)

Again, can't say enough thanks to my peeps who helped me so much!

One more clinic day?  Is this even possible?

Oh yeah, I LOVED meeting with McConaughy today.  :)  She was so matter of fact and upbeat.  I want like a party to be thrown for the fact that I am going to finish my requirements.  I mean I understand that it is expected, and all I did was meet expectations (hardly exceed them), but still.  It was FREAKING HARD to meet expectations.  I think I'll throw a party for myself.  When my requirements are complete though all the ups and downs and patient no shows and crappy experiences and frustrations seem to disappear from my memory and I think . . . that wasn't so bad.


  1. Can I just say you are amazing for seeing a 1A, 4 quads of 1B, 10 PA's 2 PE's and a sealant. HOLY COW! Rockin it out!!

  2. WHOOO HOOOOOOO!! I don't even know what any of that means, but i can't believe you did it all!!! and without clark even knowing kelsey was gone, mostly. Course party time :) maybe you should come down to Proveesy to party..

  3. Girl... you are so amazing... getting a lot done:) Vining can be such a funny guy
