Monday, November 29, 2010

Lessons Learned

Things I learned from Real Patient Day.

Bring NCR X-ray Evaluation form with Tx Record HHx/HHxRx to Instructor at the same time.

Pre fill out the Tx Record with X-ray stuff.

Set-up the x-ray room that you signed up for.

Put Tx Plan in 2 Phases.  Selective Polish and Fl with second phase.

Be Patient.  With yourself.  With others.  With the Faculty.  Be Patient.

If you want to e-mail your pt's x-rays to their dentist, to decrease their exposure, do NOT give them a paper copy as it will be basically useless and they'll have to pay $10 more dollars to get them e-mailed, which may seem ridiculous, because it is ridiculous.  I have "discussed" this with Mr. Soloman ad nauseum and there doesn't appear to be any hope of making it more convenient for us all.  Whatev.  Just don't go there I guess.

Now, we are sitting in clinic.  Chatting, because there are no instructors here and apparently today is not of uber-importance.

1 comment:

  1. DREADFUL PAPERWORK - today was like that for me - things that make already hassle-full things in to even MORE HASSLE-FULL things - blech - that end up making a patient pay more $$$ and your life more difficult. Glad to know that I'm not the only one that goes to faculty to tell them to change it and then they say notta and then I say whatev. Seriously loving your blog :)
