Friday, May 20, 2011

Spreading Free Smiles

Phew, that was a long day, but a good day.

My Uncle Steven just finished his 2nd annual FREE DENTAL DAY!  He hosts it at his beautiful office in Layton and there are so many people that come volunteer their time.  I worked in the Dental Sterilization room, keeping everything ret-to-go.  It was nice to be back in the dental atmosphere, reading my Local Anesthesia book on down time, and racking up some Americorps hours.  It was a great fun day, except for my feet which were a little sore by the end of it.

Me and Beep

LeeAnn and I

And of course I couldn't have done it without my mom.  Thanks Mom for watching da bains.

Something that I always get thinking about on a day like this, is the HUGE disconnect between literature, school, and real private practice.  As in, monumental disconnect.  For example:

  • Cross contamination.  We do all we can do prevent it while we are in school, to the point of annoyance, but in private practice it is RAMPANT.  I am talking about dirty gloves in every drawer, cupboard, dirty side, clean side, inside, outside, nastiness.  RAMPANT.  And for the first time in my life it was kind of grossing me out. 
  • Lead apron.  I feel like we learn in Radiology that the dental radiation is like a blip in the eternities of somebody's life.  So, if it is inconvenient to put the lead apron on them . . . not such a big deal.  But there is all sorts of huff if the patient doesn't have a lead apron on.  I figure, if they are aware enough to be concerned (unduly) they can ask me for it.
  • Rubber cup polish is unnecessary.  At least that is what I've been told, but everybody who gets their teeth cleaned in private practice, even on FREE DENTAL DAY, gets it done.  Bye bye enamel!
That is all in my head right now, but please note that there is monumental disconnect.  And if what we are taught in school is impractical when practicing in private practice what is the point?


  1. Can i say you are CRAZY for reading your local anesthesia book. WAY TO GO!

  2. How awesome that your uncle has Spreading free Smiles! VERY COOL. Also - I love that you posted the disconnects of school vs. private practice! I completely AGREE - cross contamination does = RAMPANT in private practice and rubber cup polish totally unnecessary but we all do it anyways.....sheesh lol
