Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Glory Glory

"Glory glory hallelujah!"  -Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory of the Coming of the Lord . . .

What a glorious (hence the post title) day in clinic.  I passed off Intra-Oral Exam (not with flying colors, but hey a pass is a pass), and we got to PRACTICE (see video below)!  I got to work on MeMe Chel who did a fabulous job on me and helped me while I was working on her so I believe I am getting better and definitely more confident.

Now that my friends was a good day.

And how about we get some COMMENTS going on?

p.s. I forgot that the absolute BEST part of my day was walking out of clinic (late thanks to the freaking ultrasonic) and seeing Chris and Cam!  It was so fun and great to spend lunch with them.  Today just may not be beat.  The only thing that could have made today better was MeMe Chel being happier, but thanks to a freaking freak she was kind of down.  (MeChel, I will erase this if you want.)

Monday, September 27, 2010


Today was hard primarily for this reason, I can't see worth a darn.  Even standing 1.5 feet away from my computer screen right now I can't read the words I am typing.  I do have both my contacts in, but one of them is not pulling its weight.  It is pretty bad.

I enjoyed today's clinic in spite of that.  Exploring.  Kristie helped me understand why I kept poking her.  And she did a great job.  I realized that this is the feeling that I LOVE at the hygienist metal down in those pockets, feeling along the tooth surface.  LOVE IT.

Short and sweet today, because I still need to do 2 PE's and clean up and notice the time.

Over and out.

p.s. I LOVE Miss Neely.  She faxed some uber important documents for me.  as in LOVE.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Say what?

Have you ever heard of the ADHA?  How about the UDHA?  Or SADHA?  No?


I don't know, maybe one of these days my role as an advocate will really kick in and I will be baptized by fire about how great the UDHA convention was, or how important it is that I submit an essay to become a delegate, or how awesome it would be to get an all expense paid trip to Nashville to get even more free stuff (what could be greater?), but for now I'm aight.

However, if one more person comes to show me a power point on ADHA/UDHA/SADHA, I will most likely puke on them.  Not even on purpose.

In other news, I FOUND IT!  For all of those who were part of my vision, please enjoy below.
p.s. All credit goes to my hubband Chris for finding it.  :)

Oh yeah and we probed in clinic today.  It sucked.  Here's to better days in the future.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Sleeping in this morning - Refreshing.

Taking a shower for as long as I want - Relaxing.

Spending the morning with Chris and Cam - Rejuvenating.

Getting to clinic with plenty of time - Relieving.

Learning how to fulcrum in clinic - Revealing.

Getting to work on McCall - Ravishing.

Accidentally (I swear) probing McCall - Regretful.

Passing off the HHx PE - Rejoicing!

Coming home to Camden - Priceless.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

No Time

When we don't get time in clinic to blog it is hard to remember to do it later, not to mention what to talk about. 

So . . HHX.  What the freak?  Everybody has a different opinion on how it should be done.  EVERYONE.  Prof Costley, Inst Hafen, Inst. . . . (what is the other lady's name?), Inst Demmings, Megan, Kim, Lauren and Marilyn.  You'd think they all had different training, but they all went to Weebs!  They need to have a systematic approach to these things.  I know they try, but really we're smart people we can figure this out right?  This is the main reason I am dreading passing off the HHX PE.  I want to feel good and competent about what I am doing, but it seems impossible to me with ZERO experience with a real person.

Is this is where critical thinking gets me?  Frustrated?  Great. Puke.

No skull tomorrow.  Rock hard.

"I love you dark continent, good night!" -if you name the movie this quote is from correctly on my comments, I will give you a prize.

Monday, September 13, 2010

All the time

So, if you read my last post you will know that I was frustrated during the last clinic session.  While I was thinking it over I realized that it was MY OWN STUPID FAULT that we didn't have time to do anything.  While we were in the instructor area about to "BREAK" someone asked if we were actually doing vitals.  Prof Costley said no.  Then I (like the idiot that I am sometimes) said, "Why not?" So, Costley said, "Ok if you want to we can."  Then she had the 2nd year TA's demonstrate taking vitals.  (All the while taking up time.)  THEN we did vitals on each other THEN we did Health History.  So . . it was all my fault.  I apologize to all of you in Wednesday's morning clinic last week.

And now, the opposite is true.  We are studying vitals today, and we have AMPLE (as in AMPLE) time.  So here I am.  Blogging to my heart's content.

MeChel pulled her left hammie sometime over the weekend so she is in pain.  (If you'd like to know how much pain just check her HHX changes.)  It is sad, because she is passing off the maintenance PE and she has to bend down and stuff and she is like crying (not really).

Peace out homies.

P.S.  My computer here in UNIT 12 possessed and will not listen to me.  So the AMPLE's are supposed to be red, not green.  word.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Pessimism or Realism

One thing I LOVE about our hygiene class is how positive everybody is.  Seriously, it is so fun to come and be uplifted by you all.  Now, I don't want to detract from that so please . . . just let me vent.

Clinic this morning was annoying.  So much time was WASTED and therefore I could not pass off 2 PE's, blog, or feel good about my clinic time.  ARGH.  I think I am especially sensitive to this type of thing, so I'm sure it bugged me more than others in our clinic, but it just bugs me!  We've got certain people yackidy-yack-yacking about things that are not pertinent to our learning.  I'm sure we may see a patient who has had a mitral valve prolapse, but when/if we do we will consult an Instructor who will help us know what to do NO MATTER HOW LONG WE TALK ABOUT IT TODAY.  And I feel like only through those EXPERIENCES will we begin to really understand the importance and flow of the pre-med thing.

Thankfully I have Jeanie Allen to end my day with.  She is wonderful and I love her.  Radiology was two thumbs way up.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Fastest Blogging Ever.

3 minutes people.  That is all I have.

What a great day to be in clinic.  MeChel and I are learning to live in the "Paper World" and then transferring our paper knowledge to the "Real World".  For instance, would we really just stand around in the sterilization room for 15 minutes while our instruments get their nasties jiggled away?  I don't think so.  I think in my real world I would come back and disinfect my stuff THEN finish sterilizing my instruments.  Also, I would NOT Cavi-wipe a tray with DIRTY GLOVES, assume it be clean, stick it under my armpit (ever heard of aerosols?), and bring it back to my Unit with a clear conscience.  But whatev.  We lived in the "Paper World" today just fine, because we passed our PE's.  4 PE's in one week?  A little much?  I think so.

I just got a hunger growl.

G2G.  Pod Wrap now.